Sali Hafez
Research Associate, Egypt
Sali joined The Research People in 2018 as a Research Manager. During her time with us, Sali managed a number of multi-countries research studies and evaluations. She was the designated safeguarding officer and provided support on protection and safeguarding across our projects. Her projects included managing the GSMA/UNHCR multi-country study exploding the digital lives of displacement affected communities in Lebanon, Papua New Guinea and South Sudan, and a LSE study on maternal health and protection in Nuba Mountains, in Sudan. She also led a participatory process to develop a toolkit to capture tacit knowledge among frontline humanitarians. She contributed to the baseline evaluation of Elrha’s Humanitarian Innovation Fund.
Before joining The Research People, Sali worked extensively in public health and protection in humanitarian settings in 12 countries. She worked for various UN agencies and Red Cross Societies. She supported organisations in a variety of contexts to design evidence based humanitarian programs, measure their progress and impact. She chaired multiple humanitarian coordination processes including the sexual and gender based violence sub-working group and sexual and reproductive health sub-working group.
Sali is now working as an independent consultant and a doctoral candidate at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. She specialises in quantitative and qualitative methods, in particular participatory approaches and outcome harvesting.
Sali is excited to work with organisations to think creatively about their learning, evidence based program design and MEL approaches, better understand how change happens and increase their impact.
You can read more about Sali’s background on LinkedIn and contact her directly at